Monday, April 28, 2014

Corporate Derby

Our Corporate Pinewood Derby fundraiser was a great success! 

We had over 40 businesses come out to race pinewood derby cars for a chance to win a REAL CAR from our main sponsor, the Stephen Wade Auto Center.

Over $15,000 was raised to help local Scouts and leaders do what they need to do to become the people they are to become!

These events remind me of why we come together as a family and as a community. Pulling together, we set our children and grandchildren up to have an even better life than we now enjoy. As we voluntarily give of our time, talents, and resources, we see ourselves and the world change to a higher, more perfect place.

I am so grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this great Scouting movement. A movement that helps our youth and leaders become trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, and all that! I love that my own kids are learning these important values each time they raise their arm to the Scout sign and repeat these words.

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